The New Bohemian Innovation Collaborative, Inc, DBA DeltaV Code School

Code 201: Foundations of Software Development

Class Overview

Build a strong software development foundation and learn how to use AI tools to code with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various libraries to create fully-functional web apps.

This course guides students toward developing a well-rounded foundation of skills necessary for modern web development in the AI-powered world. These skills include using AI tools while hand-coding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript apps utilizing Git workflow processes, project organization, designing with wireframing and employing introductory Agile development methods.

This course includes a career coaching curriculum to get you ready for your job search. The course totals 160 hours, including lectures, lab, coworking, and collaborative projects.

Coming Up

Already have some coding experience? Schedule some time to talk about the program!






Environments and Tools

Learn with Stacked Modules

Concepts in each of our courses are taught using stacked modules, where a new concept is introduced in each class session, building upon what came before it. This is a challenging style that requires persistence, practice, and collaboration, but allows more concepts to be introduced over the length of the course. This method helps students learn and retain more information in a short period of time. Learn more about stacked modules.


By the end of this course, you will:



Once you are accepted into the course, please complete the Code 201 Prework. This important Prework makes up part of your 201 grades!

Material Requirements

You are required to supply your own laptop that meets the below requirements. Chromebooks are not suitable for this course, since you can’t directly control installed software. You are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of your computer throughout the course. The course will include a class session dedicated to configuring your computer to be ready for professional-grade software development the first day of class.

Nights and Weekends

DeltaV understands that our software development program is a huge undertaking. That’s why we adapted the Code 201: Fundamentals of Software Development curriculum to a nights and weekends format! The program stretches our 4-week daytime program across 7 weeks of classes Mondays through Thursdays and Saturdays. The course still features live instruction, group projects and presentations, and career coaching, but at the pace that fits your busy life!

Curious? Reach out to us to talk about our nights and weekends programs!

Let’s explore our flexible learning opportunities together!

Homework Policy

DeltaV Code School provides only a pass/fail transcript and does not assign letter grades to each student. However, to monitor student progress throughout each program, DeltaV Code School uses a point-based grading system that is introduced to the students on the first day of each program. In order to pass the class, students must attain at least 90% of available points. For more information, see Grading System and Disciplinary Action For Low Grades.


Punctuality, participation in discussions, completion of assignments, and demonstration of professional courtesy to others are required. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of every class. Passing requires at least 90% attendance. Students should always contact the instructors ahead of time if they are unable to attend all or part of a class session.

Code of Conduct

Punctuality, participation in discussions, completion of assignments, and demonstration of professional courtesy to others are required. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of every class. Students should always contact the instructors ahead of time if they are unable to attend all or part of published class or lab hours.

Still have questions? We’re here to help!